Symposium of Post-mysticism Kanako Yasaka ![]()
The Avatar of Mountains and Lakes
Ability: Creating Qian
A god who came from the outside world along with her shrine. Unlike many gods who freely come and go between Gensokyo and the outside world, she is now based entirely in Gensokyo and only seeks followers from among Gensokyo's humans and youkai, from whom she gathers faith.(*1) Her species is divine spirit. Because of that, it appears she used to be human, but who she was, or even whether she was an individual or a group, is unknown. In the past it seems she was a storm god, but currently she is considered a mountain god. Publicly she has a mutually beneficial relationship with the youkai that have been ruling the mountain so far, but the reality of the situation is unknown. I can only imagine that they're both using each other, so it is necessary to carefully observe them. Unlike the Hakurei Shrine, her business activities are quite popular. It seems she's fine with anything as long as it gets her faith, and she'll propose attractive offers by any means necessary. She especially likes technological innovation, and has a tendency to look down on tradition. Her abandoning the outside world for Gensokyo is surely another indication of this. However, when it comes to the mountain god, who knows? She has a showy appearance. It seems this is to intimidate those she meets. Incidentally, while divine spirits normally have no form, cases of famous spirits taking on a fixed appearance are common. This is necessary for her to obtain faith, as many humans will not approach things they cannot see or feel an unpleasant sensation from. Her personality is heavy-handed and self-righteous. However, since this makes her seem reliable it is likely also something designed to obtain faith. However, because people with this personality are often swindlers, please be careful. 1: This is apparently called the Blue Ocean Strategy
There are many mysteries concerning her ability(*2). She has done things like changing the terrain in cooperation with Suwako Moriya, as well as opening holes to the underground. She is also skilled at making roads and erecting large structures. However, for some reason this power is not used in the shrine's blessings. Incidentally, she helped to build the Myouren Temple. The details of what triggered this are unknown, but the fact that she completed it in one night was quite memorable. 2: In the first place, abilities are self-declared...
The Mystery of the Geyser Center
The hot spring area at the base of the Youkai Mountain (aka: Hell's Valley Geyser Center) is supervised by her. Because vengeful spirits appear here, it is dangerous for humans to approach. While vengeful spirits are yuurei that harm humans and youkai, the reason they appear here is seen as the geysers are connected directly to Hell. Because of the vengeful spirits, neither humans nor youkai come here very often. She is supposed to undertake management of the area because divine spirits are mostly unaffected by vengeful spirits. It is is possible that the vengeful spirits are not merely leaking out. We need to be careful in case it turns out that she is intentionally neglecting them.
The Mystery of the Moriya Shrine
The Moriya Shrine is on the Youkai Mountain. It is much larger and more impressive than the Hakurei Shrine. However, because of its location it receives no more human visitors than the Hakurei Shrine. Most of its faith comes from the youkai of the mountain, like the tengu and kappa. So divine blessings are another delightful thing skewed in favor of the youkai, but there's nothing we can do about it. In the Moriya Shrine there are many objects from the outside world, but it seems they are mostly sealed in a treasure warehouse(*3). There are quite a few people who aim for the treasures, but because the Youkai Mountain itself is so exclusive, it is said that there have been no intruders currently. Because they come from the outside world, their standard of living seems to be quite high. They make their living by selling their advanced technology to the kappa in small bits. Because they get few visitors, they can't rely on offerings. 3: They are anything but treasure, and are apparently just a bunch of junk that's unusable in Gensokyo...
Because she has no hostility towards humans, I believe there is little reason to fear her. While you don't necessarily have to have faith in her, being disrespectful can cause you to be cursed. Because gods have two sides to them, faith in one grants blessings while their anger provokes curses. Besides, she would be also troublesome to be a bit wrathful. Be careful not to ruin her mood. She is weak to gifts, so if you somehow disrespect her it's best to prepare an offering.